Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Fuck Tkgs! Y
I can write a thousand word essay on how fustrating it was to lose to TKGS yesterday! I really hope im just saying this purely out of anger. Or maybe, at myself. But it's over anyway. I can cry non stop but its not gonna be of any help. its over and life still goes on. tomorrow's a half day and guess what?! we're having a match. at kallang against GMS. i'm just uber upset about how we actually caught up with the score after them leading us by 3 for the first 2 quarts and then lose it all at the 4th quater. we were actually leading with 5 goals. its 5 freaking goals, and if we were able to hold them for that last 10 mins, it was just 10MINS! we didnt even had to play that stressful best of three and then just lose it like that. ): we didnt reach our target. but its the not the end yet. i know that, we'll be able to pull ourselves up and then strive for our next goal in nationals. sigh. todays such a boring day. its like 530 and i'm home. heh. calesta's proud of me, i know. haha! i swear lopezzzz is funneh, and raju is just boring shiat and everyone agrees! oh and guess what, i'm gonna fail my amath std test lahhh): somebody kill me please. i dont know what i'm suppose to do! omg. can just kill myself luh. i'm so scared to get back my progress card next monday. argh. lets hope i failed less than 3. but i seriously doubt. yesterday, after the match, went over to ciwei's for dinner with van and gen. they never fail to make me laugh like crazy. c'mon ally, its okay we can pull ourselves up. love you babe, its gonna be all right! :D
Supergirl; 3
Friday, February 23, 2007
School. Tests. Teachers. Sucks. Y
TGIF! thank God its friday!
Wow, i havent blogged in ages. Anyway guess what?! Jia Ning and I has made a pact. next term, if we fail more than 1 test in our report card, we'll have to treat the other one luh. its called motivation i guess. haha. oh well. school has been really suckish. and so has life. its like, my phone got confiscated for no fuck reason. annoying aint it? but heck. nevermind, i can still survive (i think) but whatever. then my tests. i've been doing all right, but i know i can do better. and actually if i didnt fail my BLOODY CHINESE i wouldnt feel so bad. but ah, damn it. ask mdm xie go and die. sigh. i've been missing lessons, lessons and more lessons. how great? i really need to start studying, i want to do well this year. oh did i mention? SACNETBALL MADE IT TO TOP 4. exciting or what? its total coolness man. our next game would be coming tuesday, at 4 pm at knc (kallang netball centre) please feel free to come down and support us. (: and dang, i'm sick. seriously, i've never been this sick before. but oh well, i still went down for training anyway. but yea, could almost die. i couldnt even focus for god's sake! can just dieeee. and theres like what? tuition and ballet tmr? AND I SWEAR SEC3 LIFE IS JUST ... the amt of homework can just drown the students. its like every night you see people online and when you ask them what they are doing, they'd be rushing homework. honestly, what is the world coming to man. nowadays, i dont even know what i'm blogging. i only know its always about the same old stuff. like piles of homework and how suckish school is. life is boring. can it get any better? goodness. the week had been hectic. and i forgot to say, cny was a blast. heh. but i'm too lazy to type any further. i just know that my bed's calling for me.
Supergirl; 3
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
From the bottom of my heart. Y

when i run away from you, i want you to follow me
when i pout my lips, kiss me
and when i kick, hug me tight
when i call you crazy, it means, im crazy about you
and when im silent, im thinking of how to say i love you
when i start ignoring you, im screaming for your attention
whn i pull away frm you, please grab me by th waist nd tell me you'll never let me go
and when you see me at my worst, tell me im beautiful
sometimes, when i scream at you, tell me you love me
and everytime you see me walking, sneak up behind me and hug me
if i dont call you, im waiting by the phone for your call
i actually care when i say "i dont care"
when im scared, hold me by the waist
when i look like something's bothering me, kiss me and tell me everything will be alright
and baby, when i hold your hands, play with my fingers and kiss me
Supergirl; 3
Sunday, February 18, 2007

Its feels so terrible. Someone please answer me, why is everything falling apart? Lets all hope tomorrow would be a better day please. God, please save me from this endless torture. Its killing me. You know how much you mean to me, if not i wont bother messaging and making a dumb public apology just for you.
I'M SORRY CALESTA. i dont know what i'm suppose to do so that you'd forgive me. I know whatever i do is not gonna help lah. or if theres anything, you tell me. and if i can, i'd gladly do so. Its an atrocious cycle that will never cease to stop. Guess what its called? Life. why is it that this always happens. damn it, i'm tired of it. I wish the world would be less complicated for me to fit into. because no matter what i do it just seems so wrong. lastly, i hope everything would be fine between us.
Supergirl; 3
Friday, February 16, 2007
Bite the dust. Y
Woah, i havent blogged for more than a week. Firstly,
sorry i werent able to post it on the day itself. but i hope you had a wonderful and most fabulous birthday ever. hope you like the present too babe! love (:
School has been a killer and i'm almost half dead. its like consecutive tests and the tests just doesnt seem to stop. once one test is over you hear another one coming up. and homework, its just like a never ending trail. you do and do and do and you still have so much homework. what is the world coming to man! but what i love most is to leave school early, like what i've said before! its great knowing that your team wins and you played a part in it. even if i was a benched player or whatever, i'd still feel rather satisfied because its a team and everyone plays a part. i think Sacnetball is awesome and i love all of you. Valentine's day is over, thanks for those who gave me stuff even if it was like really small or what but i feel that its the thought that counts, really. thanks! love you guys. and as for those who recieved stuff from me, hope you liked it. well, other than that, today something really stupid happened lah okay. i'm not denying that it was my fault or pushing the blame or whatever. i already said i'm sorry to whoever i've gotten trouble into. i really didnt know they were that close, i swear i didnt know. and whatever is gonna happen or whoever's angry right now, i'm just sorry. i mean its over, its shown, what more do you want me to do? calesta, i'm sorry if this is what you want to hear. anyway, its chinese new year and i dont think we should allow such shit to affect us. and i cant wait for chinese new year! woohoo. :D and after chinese new year, there'd be the stupid fashion thing which i dont think i wanna be doing it but i still wanna go to school cause theres training! at GM! how exciting, total coolness huh. hahah! oh yea, and ally's in malaysia, i miss her already. sigh. i hope everything's gonna be fine. i cant wait for 26 of feb!
Supergirl; 3
Monday, February 05, 2007
Dunman Vs Sac! 26-34 Y
Well done Sacnetball. We've all done a good job today. We've all been doing great and i hope this continues and we can all achieve what we want. Woohoo, this is exciting. Anyway, i'm quite lazy to blog. Oh by the way thank you ES for coming down to support us. I've been missing amath lesson and tutorials, i hope i catch up. Physics too ): but she sucks! so who cares. haha. I think Lorpez is actully quite funny. but i still dislike her like ~!#$%&* anyway, theres game tmr with pasir ris sec. and i hope everyone rests well! theres chem test tmr and i havent studied for it. pout.
Well I dont mind waiting til you're comfortable with me. But what's it gonna take to prove that i'm for real? Cause you know how I feel about you, you know I can't live without you. I just wanna stay and make it real, i just wanna feel you tonight. Making sure the moment's just right, i could die just staring in your eyes. I just wanna feel your heartbeat and hold you even closer to me and fall asleep with you right by my side. I've waited all my life to make this perfect every way and sharing it with you would make it even more than that.
Supergirl; 3
Saturday, February 03, 2007
new month resolution. Y
I have a lot of febuary resoultions. so many, i dont even know where to start. okay... lets see, i need to take lesser cabs really much lesser!, eat lesser cause i've been spending money on food, spend lesser and in turn save more! goodness. i've been spending and spending and spending like as if i print money or they just drop from the sky. i take cab like as if its free and i spend money like running water. i feel so guilty okay. hahha. whatever it is, this month i must save more money. and also! I NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT! big time.(but this is not the reason why i have to eat lesser!) i've to emphasize on this because ahem!people, will start saying i want to be anorexic or worse still, bulimic! pffft. anddd also, start studying. seriously, i really wont be able to face myself or anyone if i dont do well. because i havent been listening in class. and it deserve it if i fail all my tests and exams. i really hope God would help me to get through this period of anxiety. i need to clear all my homework. i'll be quite happy and satisfied if we can all have one day off. and i promise i would just stay home and finish up all the hw. and of course, rest well. i need sleep man. i'm falling sick and it sucks. totally. and when this happens, i start being cranky and then people around me wouldnt be happy. i really hope i'd recover by tmr. because then it means i wont be going school on monday, i wont be playing the match with dunman and i'd hate myself for that. even though at times when i'm sick i still go to school, but this time i dont know. i just have that really suckish feeling. so yea. i hope we play hard on monday's game. anddd somehow, i feel lousy. ):
Supergirl; 3
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Febuary! Y
Its the new month and yes, i know i said i wanted to update about camp. but i'm way too lazy. hahah. so yea. Its febuary! and 14 more days to ratnam's birthday. i'm suppose to be counting down for her, yes. and so... i've been piled up with homework, homework and more homework. there are even tests coming up. i always say i wanna study but i end up with no time at all. and so far, we've had 3 games but one is postponed to the 6th, just like the junior's game. we didnt do very well for the games actually, except for yesterday's changkat changi game. even though we didnt get our target i was still very proud of everyone who finished the punishment we had. i really didnt imgaine finishing the many rounds at one shot. but we still did it in the end. so good job Sacnetball! :D next up would be loyang! followed by dunman then the postponed game which is Pasir Ris. i hope we do well and yea, i hope everything would be fine. the stress which i'm coping with right now is almost unbearable lah. i'm just hanging there. oh and guess what, i'm in english tutorial like what the... haha. and amath and science tutorial too. but thats cause its for everyone. and i've been missing a whole lot of physic lessons and almost all my tutorials except for english. this sucks because i'm afraid i cannot catch or what in the class. i really hope i can cope lah. for physics, i dont understand a single shit about vectors and scalers. one reason is because i've been missing but the other one is because saleha cant teach for nuts! oh please, save me. then lit, is just plain boring. i dont even think i'm learning anything! chem is gooooood. i love mrs boo! haha, not her weirdness but the way she teaches. amath and emath are driving me crazzzzzy. as for english chinese and social studies, i dont know what the hell i'm doing. because lopezzzz is too distracting. and chinese class is like a free period kind of thing. right now with all the stress i'm facing its really not a good time for other things to be happening. but they just are, and its killing me. maybe i'm just over sensitive or what. sigh. oh well. i should just concentrate on studies first lah. and i'm starting to love my class more! (: thats a good sign.
Supergirl; 3